Saturday, October 4, 2014

Work Chick!

Hi lovely followers,

These past two weeks have been crazy! Job fair, interviews, and class projects! :$ SO exhausting! But I haven't forgotten about you. I wanted to share one of my interview outfits to prove that you can still be chick but look classy. I am wearing a knee length black dress, a black blazer, and gray&green pumps. My makeup is simple, hair down, and minimal accessories. With time I've learned that your outfit has to go accordingly to the interview. In my case, the interviews were for big companies for insurance, and other for PR. Hence my outfit was still cute but a bit more on the serious side. I'm hoping to hear back from them in a couple of days and pass to the next interviews. I'll keep you poste :p. Hope this outfits inspires all my working fashionistas. 

Mariola <3

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